Sunday, January 9, 2011

Acceptable Use Policy

Talk with someone about Acceptable Use Policies (AUP).
1. Do they have an AUP to follow at work? What can they do/not do at work?
2. Do you think it is necessary to have an AUP at school/work?
3. What should happen if you don't follow an AUP


Sarah Pd.1 said...

Sarah McKellar
Pd. 1
I asked my dad about what he can and cannot do on his computer at work. My dad said that he can’t go on YouTube or Facebook, but he can go on Google and such. He also said that he can’t play games or draw, or even use his personal E-mail.
I think that we should have an AUP. But I also think that if we have spare time in classes with computer, we should be able to go on Facebook or YouTube. But besides that I think we should have one because some people are just out of control when it comes to computer freedom. Also they could get a lot of trouble from going on sites their not supposed to go on.
I think that if you violate an AUP, you should get detention or something like that. If they violate it for a second time they should get computer privileges taken away for about a week. And if they do it for a third time, they get detention and they are banned from the computers for at least 1 month.

lizzie waller pd 1 said...

Lizzie Waller
Pd. 1
I talked to my mom about if she can or cannot do on her computer at work. She works at a bank and that most sites are unblocked but some are blocked. She usually only uses word though. And she sometimes does online shopping, but otherwise it usually deals with the Microsoft office.
I think that there should be an AUP at school, but there should be fewer restrictions. But I still think there should be one, because some people could get into a lot of trouble. And I think there should be one at work, because some people could get in trouble also. Its work so they should be focused on work, and not other websites and what not.
I think that the first time, you should get a warning. Then the second time, they get banned from the computer because they already were told not to do it, and then they got a warning, and if they are stupid enough to do it again, then they need to face the consequences.

Emily Oyos Pd.1 said...

Emily Oyos
Period 1
I talked to my mom about what she can and cannot do while using computers at work. She said that there are many websites that are blocked and that you have to have permission to go into other department’s files.
I think it is right that there is an AUP at school because otherwise many people would be getting in trouble for being on websites that they are not supposed to be on. I think it is also right to have an AUP at work because people are supposed to be there to get things done and not to be having fun on different websites with their friends that they can be doing at home later.
If you violate the AUP, I think that there should be consequences based on how many times you violate the policy. The first time you should receive a warning and then the second time you should get computer privileges taken away for a certain amount of time. If you violate it a third time, you should get computer privileges taken away for a longer period of time and talk to the principles about what you did.

Drew Reinschmidt Period 1 said...

Drew Reinschmidt
Period 1
I talked to both my parents about using a computer and its restrictions. My dad can use most websites he wants but it is monitored by the head office. My mom is a stay at home mom so she can do whatever. It was surprising to me that my dad, a doctor, could do most stuff. He gets breaks and goes on a lot.
I think we should because some kids would totally abuse the system and get viruses on the computers. It would not be fair if the system shut down because of some kid. Most kids would be good on the computers but some would take it too far. At work I don’t think you need one depending on the job because they are adults and should know better. If an adult does abuse the system it should be a bigger offense because they have lived longer and know better.
If you violate the policy you should get in major trouble. I’m glad our principals are good at their job because it is a big crime to do something like that. I think you should get automatic suspension for a major offense and for a small violation such as games, Facebook, YouTube, etc., plus whatever else is needed (expulsion, Saturday school, etc.). Our school will take care of any problems for sure. Most kids are mature enough not to break the systems policy.

Tristin Pliska Pd. 1 said...

Tristin Pliska
Pd. 1
I talked with my mom about what she can and cannot do on the computer at her work. My mom works at the West Central school. When I talked with my mom and she said the school probably has the same restrictions as we have here except the teachers can use YouTube Facebook, and Twitter.
I think at school we should have an acceptable use policy because if we don’t there will be at least a few students who go onto sites they shouldn’t. At work I believe it depends on where you work if you work at a place where computers aren’t that important you should have one and if you work at a place where you use one often then maybe you shouldn’t have one because they can get in the way.
I think that if someone breaks the AUP once they just talk to their teacher about not doing it again and get a warning; unless they did something that is very bad then they should talk to the principal. The second time I believe they should have to go to the office and talk about the consequences depending on the situation.

Mariah Pd.1 said...

Mariah Zell
Period 1
I talked with my mum about the rules considering the computers at her work place. She mentioned that they are almost exactly like the students, except for the fact that she can use email and has access to other things that students don’t.
While I think that some of the things on the AUP are unnecessary, in whole it is needed at both school and at work. Work’s AUP could be a little more lack, seeing as an adult should be a little more mature with those kinds of things. Yet, the AUP should still be there so a person doesn’t get distracted by non-work related things or invite viruses into the computer by going on to shady websites that usually would be blocked.
Depending on the seriousness of the offence and the intent in which it was used, the consequences should range. If malicious content was used voluntarily by a person, than the punishment should definitely be severe. This could mean being banned from the computers or even suspension to expulsion. However, if the breach was small and not meant to do any harm what so ever, than I don’t think a person should get punished too much. Maybe just a warning or a small banned period from the computers would suffice.

Braydon Reindl period 1 said...

Braydon Reindl
Period 1
I asked my dad what restrictions he had at is work. He said that he couldn’t go on YouTube, Yahoo, Google, or any shopping on the computer. He only used the computer for work. He works out of home so he has another computer so that he can surf the web, shop online, and go on Facebook.
I think it is good to have an AUP at school because kids would only go on Facebook, and other sights they wouldn’t go on. At work though, I think that adults are responsible enough that they shouldn’t have one.
I think that if you violate the AUP at school you should be suspended maybe even expelled; depending what you violated on the computer. At work there should be a chance that you could get fired; depending on what you did to break the AUP.

nickolas wehmeyer said...

Nickolas Wehmeyer
I talk to my mom about what they can and not do at work. I ask and she said that she can go anywhere.
I think at school should have one because some people not follow the rules so there for I think that school should have an au. I don’t think that work should it because should people need at their job and should be old anode to not have the AUP.
I think that they should be not able to go on the school computer unless a teacher is watching them.

Kelsey pd1 said...

Kelsey Nimick
1 period
I talked to my sister about computers. She can use her phone on her break or when they are not busy.
I think we should have aup at school because that way the students can’t go on Facebook and go to their e-mails. For all we know they could be sitting their talking about the person right across from them. I don’t there should be aup at work because if you at work and you finish that task and the boss doesn’t assign one for another twenty minutes, then that’s when you should be allowed to go on.
If I do, get kick out of the class. If I violate the aup I think I should have to retake Computer Applications over again and be monitored by an adult.

Ashley Sommer Period 1 said...

Ashley Sommer
Period 1
I talked to my mom about what she could do and couldn’t do on her computer at work. My mom can’t use Facebook, YouTube, or other sites along those lines. She can’t use her home email only her work one. The state also tracks what websites their workers go on.
Yes, because if you go on certain websites that have viruses they can wreck the school’s computers. For people who use computers at work I think they should have an AUP, because if they were allowed to go on Facebook and other websites non-work related they wouldn’t get any work done. Also, they’re not getting paid to update their statuses or accept friend requests on Facebook.
If someone violates an AUP and its really minor I think that they should just get a suspension from being able to use the computer. If someone repeatedly violates the policy then I feel that they should lose all computer privileges.

Mark Swenson Pd. 1 said...

Mark Swenson
Period 1
I talked to my mom about her job and the use policy of computers. She can go to every website and doesn’t really have any regulations. She works for Don Dunham at a realtor company. She knows that she shouldn’t go to certain websites that are considered inappropriate and usually stays to Facebook, other realtor websites, word, and other things that relate to her job. She has common sense about using the computer.
I’m not really sure. I think we should be able to listen to music because music helps me get my homework done faster. It doesn’t distract me and it acts as a little boost to get it done. I feel the same way about a work environment. You should be able to quick check your email or Facebook if it is a slow day at the office. Work and school get very boring very quickly. Music relieves my stress, helps me focus, and helps me get stuff done. If they listen to inappropriate music then I can see blocking it or taking it away for them; not for everybody.
If you violate the acceptable use policy then I think the punishment should be determined on what they violated. If they went to a pornographic website or were listening to very inappropriate music online then I believe they should get a Saturday school. If it’s something like listening to music that has one or two swear words then give them a few points for Saturday school so it will progress into a full day. Music is very important to people and I don’t see why we are run with no fun in the school. We want it to be a fun, safe environment. I don’t think it’s very safe for someone like me, and a lot of people don’t want to come here because it’s kind of dull.

Chandler Dawley Pd. 1 said...

Chandler Dawley
Pd. #1
Talked to my mom. And she said it is basically the same as the school like if they go on the internet it has to be for work.
Yes, cause nothing would get done and for work probably the same as well. Work always should have one though because you are not going to get paid for watching YouTube or something.
Well I think that if you violated it that it should be a at least a detention. But at work probably on the scenario get fired or something but yeh.

Adrianna K pd1 said...

Adrianna Klumper
Period 1
I talked to my grandpa about what he can do and cannot do at work on his computer. He said that he can do anything on the computer but some websites won’t allow him to go on the website.
I think that it is right to have a AUP at school because some students don’t follow the rules and tend to go on bad websites. At work I really think that they should not have a AUP cause they are responsible for what they can go on and can’t.
If you violate the AUP, I think they should get a warning not to do it again. If they do it the 2nd time they should get a finally warning saying that if you do it again then you will get kicked out of the job or school. Then they will learn their lesson not to do it again.

Nicole Petersen Period 2 said...

I talked to my mom about what she can and can’t do at her job. I’m not sure exactly what she does but she actually works with Acceptable Use Policies. I also know that she can’t access certain ‘levels’ of data though.
I think that it is important to have one at school. If we didn’t everyone would do whatever they wanted to do. Students would be looking at illegal websites in class while they’re supposed to be doing their work. They also wouldn’t get their work done and they would consequently flunk a class. Some people would of course follow the rules but there are always people that don’t. They should have them at work places too. Without it, for example, nurses could get to health records that are supposed to stay private. Bank records could be mixed up also.
If someone at school violates the AUP they should be suspended or get Saturday school depending on the violation. If it is something very bad then they should call the police. Now, if it was just a minor thing then getting sent to the principal’s office or get Saturday school.

Eli Suchowacky Period 2 said...

I talked to my older sister, Nicole, about her acceptable use policy (AUP). She sad that her workplace has an AUP but the restrictions vary from time to time.

I think that an AUP is needed both at school and at work. It is needed at school because sometimes children at school do things they aren’t supposed to. They go on inappropriate websites. It is needed at most workplaces because workers could wander away from their work and not meet any deadlines.

If an acceptable use policy was violated at work the size of the punishment should depend on the size of the crime. If the crime isn’t the bad, the worker could maybe get fined or an unpaid vacation. If it is a huge crime, then they could maybe get fired or even sent to prison.

Hailey Murray pd.2 said...

I talked to my mom about her AUP at her job. She can do anything she really wants that’s legal. She had to sign the AUP when she was hired. There isn’t anything that pops up like we have at school.

Yes, I think it is important to have an AUP at school and at work. Students don’t need to go on Facebook or their email during school or work. If they did something wrong the school or employer would have a bad reputation.

I think they need to be fired or expelled if it was serious. If it wasn’t too serious then I would just give them a warning or a small punishment.

Courtney Stegenga pd.2 said...

I talked to my Aunt about what she can and cannot do with the acceptable use policy. She told me that she can go on the internet but she can’t go on email sites or any inappropriate sites.

I think at school it is important because we shouldn’t be able to get on Facebook and sites that have nothing to do with school and that could get us off our work. At different works I think there should be an A.U.P at work. Like my Aunt works at City Bank and I think there should be one that doesn’t allow you to look at certain things. But if you worked at a coffee shop or something I don’t think an A.U.P isn’t a big deal.

If it happened at school it would depend on what happened or what they did. If they did something minor that isn’t a big deal they should either get Saturday school or have their computer privileges taken away. If it was something that was really serious they should be suspended or expelled and lose their computer privileges taken away.

Brandon West Pd.2 said...

I talked to my dad about his using the computer for his job. When he started his job, he had to sign an Acceptable Use Policy. He is only allowed to use the computer for work related things. He cannot go to social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube. There is a web filter that prevents it. This is the conversation I had with my dad about his Acceptable Use Policy.
I do think that at school we should have an Acceptable Use Policy. We students wouldn’t be doing our work if we didn’t. Also, some people have trouble making the right choices on computers, the guidelines of the AUP keep them on the right track. There is another side to it though. I think we should be able to earn special privileges for computers, for example, we should be able to use social networking sites during free time, or if we have a free period. While at work, depending on your job, we should have an AUP. If your work requires whole computer access then no, we don’t need restrictions. If your work doesn’t require the whole computer, then we should have one, because otherwise we wouldn’t get our work done.
I think the punishment should depend on the severity of the rule infraction. If someone just visited a website they shouldn’t have then maybe just a talk with Mr. Thorson. If someone hacked a computer or secure website then maybe the punishment could be more severe, like suspension, or expulsion. This is what I think about punishments for rule infractions.

Chelsey Schmeling Pd. 2 said...

I talked to my neighbor, Elyce Braun, about the AUP at her job. The AUP at her job is a lot like the AUP at school. She may use the internet if it is work related however some websites on the internet are blocked. She also may not download things on her computer such as games.
I think that while at school it is important to have an AUP because people would go on websites that they shouldn’t be on. They would probably go on Facebook or twitter during a class and get into trouble. I do think there should be an AUP at jobs. People would be on websites they shouldn’t be on at their job.
If someone abused the AUP at their job I think they should be fired. It depends on what they did. If they went on a website they shouldn’t be on, I defiantly think they should be fired.

Keith Schreurs pd2 said...

I talked to my dad about his AUP at work. He does have one at work. He can go on the internet, but some are blocked.
Yes I think they should have it at school. But it needs to be less strict. Also keeps you out of some things. There should also be one at work. Some people can’t be trusted.
If they break the AUP at work I think they should jest get told not to do it. Not make a big deal out of it. I think also it deepens on what they did. If they break it at school they get told not to do that again.

Kjersti Nitz period.2 said...

I talked with my mom about what he can do on his computer. She said that she could pretty much do the same things on our computer as at work. But, you cannot download anything without asking or no dealing with work.
I think is important to have an AUP at school because, if not we wouldn’t be paying attention during class. Most teenagers don’t listen to the teachers not matter what they say. I think they need to at most jobs because they are very important to have.
I think if someone at work is too busy playing Farmville they should get fired. I don’t think you should be paid if you can’t even do your own job. You need to do your job, if you do have time then you should ask before doing anything.

Cody Welsh Pd. 2 said...

I talked to my aunt about her use policy and what she can and can’t do. She said that she can use the internet and access things she needs for work but she can’t play games or use it for non-work related things. Some websites are blocked but most are not.

I think that it is acceptable to have one at school. I also think that they should take off the block on youtube so we can use it for research. People should know what websites not to go on but some that are blocked don’t really have to be. At work I think it is important to have one so someone can’t see your files like at a hospital.

I think that they should get there computer privileges taken away if it’s at school. If its at work I think they should get a warning and then if they do it again maybe get computer privileges taken away temporarily

stephanie podhradsky 2 said...

I talked to my dad and asked him what he can and can’t do on his computer at work. He said they can use their personally email. While he is on his lunch break he can use the use games on the computer, but he can’t play games on the internet.

Yes I think it is very important to have at school because it is very wrong what the students would do if the internet was not blocked. But I do think that we should be allowed to play games online if they are appropriate. I also think it is good to have at jobs because the employers don’t want to pay you for doing nothing.

If the AUP was to be violated at work the person should be fired if it is very bad, but if it was a minor violation they should warned and they should get a nonpaid break and then if it happened again then they would be fired and not to return back into the system.

Shealynn Schultz Pd.2 said...

I talked to my aunt about her Acceptable Use Policy at her work. She told me that at Sanford she’s allowed to get onto the internet and look up only her patient’s records for that day that she is working.
I think it is necessary to have it at school and only sometimes at work. We should at school because it would be indecent if a student would cheat. I think sometimes at work because some people need certain sites and if they are unable to use that site then they are unable to do their work.
If it was at work then I think you should get fired but if it was at school depending on how bad you violated the AUP you should either gat suspended or expelled. Unless said otherwise by a supervisor or Principal.

Jeremy King, Period 2 said...

I talked to my mom. My mom told me that she doesn’t have an acceptable use policy. She said that they use a wide variety of thing on the internet. And she doesn’t know how to put one on.

Yes and No well for school I thing yes because children are curious and they would not be able to controls there self. But in work no because you need to use a wide variety but yet again they would need to control their self’s.

Well if it happened at school it will depend on what they did or looked at. So it would all depend on what they did it could be a warning to fired. But work I think it depends on what they did.

Jack Sternburg Period 2 said...

I asked my mom if she had an acceptable use policy at her work. My mom said yes.

I think that is a good idea to have an acceptable use policy at school because it keeps kids on task. I think that jobs should also have an acceptable use policy because the employees have to do their jobs and not mess around.

I think at school they should defiantly punish kids but the punishment should fit the crime.

Summer Rogers PD2 said...

I talked to my mom about her AUP at her job. She said she can do stuff like email, and other things on the internet. She just can’t access patients’ files that she doesn’t need to see. She said that they have a policy saying, “If you don’t need to see it, don’t go there!”
I think that while at school it is important because people go on stuff that shouldn’t be okay. People should have guidelines with what they do online. When you use other people’s computers, they tell you what you can and can’t do; so the same thing applies here. At work should be the exact same thing.
If they were to do something little, they should just get a warning. But if you were to do something really bad you should get sent to the office and get in trouble. That person could be expelled or ISS/OSS.

Ted Dohrman Period TWO said...

I talked with my mom about her AUP at her work. She said that she had one; she can do some things but not a lot. She can go on Facebook but she can’t go on other stuff like Skype. She works in Lyons SD at a place where they build fire trucks. She is blocked from most websites but can still do her work.

I think that while at school/work we should have an AUP. If we didn’t at school people could do anything on the internet. Most people don’t make good decisions while at school because they are tired and not focused. If we didn’t at work, like at Sanford, patients would not have privacy and the workers would be looking at the files. So with these couple of sentences I think that schools and work environments should have AUPs.

If it was at school, they should have their computer privileges taken away. If they aren’t going to be responsible while on a school computer, they need to be punished.

Maci Smykle Pd.2 said...

I talked to my mom about her acceptable use policy for her job. My mom told me she does not have an acceptable use policy for her job because it is her own business. She is a website designer so she has access to the internet and so on.
I think that while at school it is important because some kids will go on the internet and just ask for trouble. If we did not have an acceptable use policy at school kids would go to bad websites and the internet is full of good and bad things. When at work I think that they should not have an acceptable use policy because they should know right from wrong but the kids should also know right from wrong so I have mixed feelings about it.
If someone abused the policy I believe they should have the internet taken away. But I also think that it has to be a pretty bad reason for the internet to be taken away. And if it is something horrible they should be banned from all school computers and they will fail the class. Or if it is at work they should be fired.

Kody Petersen PD:2 said...

I talked to my father about his Acceptable Use Policy. He said that where he worked he didn’t have one.
I that it is important at school so students pay attention, but I don’t like it. I don’t think you should if you’re at work unless you work at a hospital, because they are mature adults.
It depends on how bad the website was, but I think they should be fired after 5 offenses to it.

Lauren Horan Pd. 2 said...

I talked to my mother for this assignment. She told me that she thinks that she has an acceptable use policy. She believes that everyone does. Her exact words are “I’m sure; they have the policies everywhere, don’t they?” I told her that not all places do, and she thought I was wrong.
I believe it’s necessary to have an acceptable use policy. Everywhere: work, school, libraries. The only place where it shouldn’t be needed is your own personal home. If they are at school, they don’t need to get on Facebook or YouTube at school or work. You can at home or the library, but that’s it.
If someone breaks the rules and goes on a website that isn’t allowed at school, they deserve detention and they’re computer privileges taken away. I believe that if you’re told not to go on the website, just wait until you get to go home. It’s not that big of a deal, depending on the website and such.

Makenzie Marso PD2 said...

I talked to my mom about if she uses an acceptable use policy. She told me that she doesn’t have to follow an A.U.P. She is a co-owner so she doesn’t need to use one but she has one for her secretary has to.
Yes I think it’s important at school so we don’t mess around on Facebook, games, etc. Sometimes I think it’s important to have an AUP at work. If you are a co-owner then you create them for your secretary in my mom’s case.
If someone violated a minor AUP they should lose the computer privilege for a day or two. However if someone violated a major AUP they should be fired/suspended from the internet. So it depends on the issue.

Austin Sorenson Period 2 said...

I talked to my mom about what she can and can’t do on her work computer and she said that she can only go into the computer to get the customer’s account numbers and balances and to get her cash account and my mom is a banker.
I think that is important at school because for things we should not go on and some people don’t make wise choices leading to suspension but I still think we should be able to go on at least our Hotmail or messaging accounts. But it’s different for work I think you should be able to do whatever you want because you are old enough at that stage that you should be able to do whatever you want to do.
If you were doing that I think they would really have the secret service would come and most likely you would go to jail even prison that’s what I think would happen.

Seth Hawe pd.3 said...

I talked to my aunt who works for Daktronics in Sioux Falls. They have an acceptable use policy and its pretty similar to ours I think except most of the stuff they do there is make signs and program them. She didn’t really know the acceptable use policy because she does what I’m pretty sure all of us do didn’t read it. It’s all common sense she said like what the schools policy is.
I don’t think there should be one. Because people should have common sense not to go to Facebook or bad websites. And it’s not like all sites are bad like Facebook can help stay connected so can twitter and all those sites.
If someone violates the acceptable use policy I think. That it depends on what they do cause if they go on Facebook or YouTube I don’t think that it matters. But if they like steal someone’s identity or something I’d say they would probably have to go to jail or something.

Daniel Moran Pd.3 said...

I talked to my mom. She told me that she can access anything on the internet but everything is tracked and they can only use it for work related things. Also her boss is always walking around and can she what she is doing.

Yes because it keeps people on track of what they are doing. Also it stops them from sitting around on a computer all day on Facebook. They might also listen and download songs all day.

If someone were to violate a AUP I would see if what they were doing was acceptable or not. If it wasn’t I might fire them if it were serious enough. I may lower their pay. Also I could suspend or monitor their internet privileges.

Caitlynn Schumacher pd. 3 said...

I talked to my mom who works for City Bank. She told me that Facebook and Twitter is unacceptable and she isn’t allowed to go on. She also has her phone calls and computer uses tracked to make sure she’s working and doing things correctly. At City Bank my mom is only aloud to look up peoples bank accounts or help someone out on a chat through a city bank website.
I think it is necessary to have AUP’s at school. I think that having AUP’s at work though is unnecessary. Adults should know the difference between what to do and what not to do when they have to work on a computer at work.
If someone violated an AUP consequences would be given depending on the situation. IF someone accidently came a crossed an inappropriate site I would block it and tell the person to be more careful about searching things. On the other hand if someone knowingly went on to Facebook or a chatting site they would be restricted from the computer or fired. Warnings could also be given to a person depending on there situation.

Ben Richard Pd. 3 said...

I talked to my dad, who works for Hope Haven international. He told me “Ben I’m the director of operations they don’t limited me to what I can and can’t do.”
I believe it is totally up to what the work place. Although depending on what kind of documents and other information they handle they should be limited.
It depends on what degree of the violation. If minor confront them and give them a warning. If happens again give them a firewall or preventative. If major either fire or give a demotion.

Amber Wickstrom 3 said...

I talked to my dad who works at Computerized Drafting Services. He told me that he can have all personal use of the computer but can only use the internet to listen to music. I also talked my mom who works at First Premier Bank Card. She has no personal use at all on the computer.
I do think that it’s necessary to have a computer policy that isn’t super intense. I also think that it should depend on the job or how much you use the computer. Maybe they should just have a policy for a certain age group.
If people violate the policy once they should have a warning. If they violate it again there should be a punishment. The punishment could be a fine or the firing of said person depending on the situation..

Mickelle Ahlers 3 said...

I talked to my step dad who works for the National Guard and VA Lab. He told me he is able to look at everybody’s files in the guard. In the VA lab he is not supposed to use the computer for business. No internet for personal reasoning and he is only able to check it during his brake. No sharing file or information. He can look up detentions on word for labs.

Yes because, in the job that you have you could make a mistake and choose to ignore it if you have no policy. It is a good thing because certain things should not be looked at if not your information on your computer. Also you can’t steal any ones identity.

If someone were to violate n AUP I would see them to be in very big trouble depending on the policy they broke. If it is about information I would see them fired from their job so they don’t try to do it again. I would see them to not be able to work in places with information about other people.

John Thelen pd 3 said...

I talked to my dad who works in the courts he told me that his use of the computer and internet is extremely monterd and he is limited to what he can do at work. He can use YouTube only to watch the news but cannot use it for personal use and he policy is 10 page thick of different rules and regulation

I think that you should have policy but you chould very stress that a person has the right not to be tracked. you chould also say it is un American but I think a school should have one to keep the systems from getting viruses and other harmful things. And depend ing on where you work would depend the on the policy.

If they violated the policy I stet up I would not care but if they wasted time I payed them to work I would be cheated and give them a warning or if he violations continued to happen I would fire them. It would also matter on what they violated if they checked a personal email for a quick time I would not mind if they spent hours on facebook I would fire them.

Dominic Nealy pd 3 said...

I talked to my aunt Leigh who works for a construction/electronic place. She told me that the internet was closed off for personal usage. She also said that her boss lets her print out personal things but she has to ask her first. She also said that when your caught doing so without asking you can be fired.
Yes! I think that it is very good for company’s and schools to have acceptable use policy. Because you never know if you have someone wanting to do bad things on the internet, that could maybe hurt your company. I also think the punishment is fair also, if they already know the rules and still try doing it then they should most defiantly be fired
I would have them fired. Also I would try figuring out a way to make sure he doesn’t have a job on the computer again unless he’s been warned not to do it again. Just in case he try to ruin anybody else’s company or school.

Shelby Simpson Pd. 3 said...

I talked to my mom who worked at a bank, she told me that she is allowed to have her cell phone in her purse but is not allowed to use it unless she is on her brake. I asked her about the computers and she said she is not allowed to be on the internet but is she had email she would have to have a different one than her personal one.

I think that there should be a limit to what people see, to an extent. I think people should be able to limit themselves on their own, but sometimes that isn’t the case. I don’t think that email is a bad thing but I do think some of the things on the internet that cause many things to go wrong and that many things that are good but not all people know what is right and what is wrong.

If I was “in charge” I would probably have warnings, when I saw that I mean that maybe you could have something on the screen and when they go on something that is bad it will ask if they are sure they want to access it. It’s not a lock but it’s a way of reminding them that its bad. If they do access it I would maybe give them a warning.

Evan Wieser pd.3 said...

I talked to my mother who works for the department of labor. She told me that her work email was the only thing she could do on the internet. She also said that she couldn’t use Facebook. Seeing as she’s a state employee she has quite a few restrictions.

Yes, some people don’t use their common sense regarding the internet. So they do things that aren’t acceptable for obvious reasons just because of the limitlessness of the internet. Acceptable use policies are in place for the people who believe just because there are so many things on the internet it means there are no boundaries at your school or work place.

There are differences between YouTube and stealing someone’s identity. The punishment’s severity should reflect that of the crimes. Also I believe there should be some sort of warning system for the minor offenses seeing as sometimes those are so easy to commit.

Alick Sazonov perid 3 said...

I talked to my cousin who helps people with computers and is a computer programmer. He said he can go anywhere he needs to go on the computer. He even told me that he has played games on the computer. He said that he can use his phone for work purposes if he needs to contact someone.
Yes, because some people don’t listen sometimes and they can break the rules. Some people may start to do other things than work and then more people will follow. I think there should be an acceptable use policy so people will focus on work.
It depends on what they do, like if the go on a site like Facebook I would probably give them like three warnings. If someone were to use their phone I would do the same thing. If they were on a bad site I would fire them right away.

Tonner Bowman Pd.3 said...

I talked to my mom who is a pharmacist. She told me that they can use the computer for work related issues only. They can use the internet for research on anything they want that is work related. They can Use their email for anything at work or talking with doctors. They can also use face book for anything work related.
I do think that it is necessary to have Acceptable Use Policies. A lot of times we don’t need them but there is always that one person that blows it for everyone. Acceptable Use Policies also help keep you on track so you don’t get distracted and you are more productive. From a business stand point being more productive is a good thing and if you stay on track you might get more privileges.
If someone violates an Acceptable Use Policy it would depend on how bad they violated it for the degree of their punishment. If it was something small it might be taking something away from them for a little while. But if it was something big they could possibly lose their computer privileges or something worse.

Anna Lueth Pd.3 said...

I talked to my mom who works for Midcontinent Communications. She told that that she is allowed to use social networks, because it’s part of her job. She can’t use her work email to talk to friends or personal issues. She is also tracked on most of the things she does.
Yes I do think it’s necessary to have a computer use policy. If we didn’t, people wouldn’t know what and what not had viruses. They would also become very distracted by social networks. They could end up damaging the computer by accidently going someplace, because they were never told not to.
It honestly depends on the condition the computer is in, and how bad the violation was. If the damage was high, I would probably take the cost out of their pay, and give them a warning. If it was a small violation, like emailing a friend or relative, I would just make sure they don’t do it again. If a higher violation was made, they would be fired.

Weston Meyer Pd. 3 said...

I talked to my dad and he is a manager at and engineering office in Sioux Falls. His AUP is that he can use anything he wants as long as it is appropriate, does not inflict loss of profit for the company and it does not take too much time.

I think that at school and at work there should be AUPs but I do not think that they should be as strict because for the most part people should know the difference between wrong and right.

I think that for the most part people should be fired/suspended for breaking the AUP how ever there are certain circumstances like for extremely minor offences they should get a warning and if any damage to the business/school occurs they should have to pay for the damage.

Kylie Snoozy Pd. 3 said...

I talked to my mom and dad. My mom works at Hy-Vee and my dad works at Sioux steel. My mom told me that they are not a loud to use the computer for personal reasons. My dad said they are not supposed to use it for personal use but he can if it’s important. My mom is not to use her cellphone. My dad is able to use his phone, as long as he doesn’t use it very long.
I do think it is important to have necessary to have AUP’s for school and jobs and everyday life. I think it is important because some people don’t use their common sense and do not very smart things. I also think it is important so people don’t get distracted.
It somebody violates the AUP I think it depends on how badly they violate it. If it’s not that bad I think they should get a warning, and if it’s bad then it depends on where it is at. If it is in school then they should get expelled or detention, if at work fired and if on the road they should probably go to jail.

Kjerstin Williams Period 3 said...

I talked to my dad who works in a bank. He told me that the computer is for business use only. In contrast they are allowed to use computers for the occasional personal email and the internet can be used to personal searches (i.e. weather). Everything on their computers are tracked so his boss would be able to tell if he or his co-workers were on inappropriate websites like Facebook.
I think that there shouldn’t be acceptable use policies at work but there should be at school. I think there shouldn’t be at work because it’s likely that if you have a job you are over 18 and have the common sense to work and not play on the computer. I think there should be policies here at school because it keeps us focused and teaches us how to use the computer correctly for when we do get a job later on.
I think the degree of discipline if someone were to violate the acceptable use policy would have to be determined by what they do. I think for a small offense that privileges for these people should be temporarily taken away. This would include using the computer and other resources. If the offense is really bad then their privileges should be permanently taken away or if it’s really, really bad then legal charges should be taken.

Cassidy Wethor Pd. 3 said...

I talked to my mom who works at Werhkamp Dental. She told me that they do not have an acceptable use policy. The only website she is not allowed to go on is Facebook. Everyone at her work uses a computer but they don’t get tracked or have any restrictions. They can also use their email for personal uses.

Yes, I think there is because if you are at school you are there to learn and not be on Facebook and such. Also, some people don’t know how to tell their right from wrong so it’s a good thing to have at school and work.

If you violate the policy I think you should first consider how bad they broke the rules. If it wasn’t that bad then they should be suspended from the computer for 2 weeks. If it’s bad then you should eliminate their internet use for the whole school year. If they fail to obey the rules again then they should be suspended.

Mackenzie Nelson P.3 said...

I talked to my Dad who is General Manager at Arby’s on 41st street. He told me that they aren’t supposed to go onto the internet and go on things like Facebook or shop online. But they can go on things like Keloland to check the weather. My dad uses the computer a lot at work, but only a couple people can go on the computer. About the only things my dad does on the computer is order food, make schedules, takes inventory and puts down all the money totals. They don’t have a specific AUP policy but they know what they can and can’t do on the computer.
Yes, I think it is necessary to have AUP’s for all kinds’ places for computers. It helps because you can limit what people can and can’t do on the computer, so they can’t get distracted at work or school. It is good to have them so bad things can’t be done to the computers.
If someone violates the AUP’s that I would establish I would first give them a warning and say to never do it again. The second time I would have to take away computer privileges for a while. And the third time they would be fired because they kept on doing it.

Mikayla Ploen Pd. 3 said...

I talked to my friend’s mom who works at a bank. She told me that when she is at work they can track everything she does. Also they are not allowed to use Facebook or go on any illegal websites. Another thing she told me was that they have a record of everything she has done.
I do think that it is necessary to have these polices. I think that if you don’t have a policy that people will go on websites they are not supposed to. Also if you allow them to have Facebook they might get distracted from their job and not being doing what they are supposed to.
Depending what someone does to violate a policy I think they should get fired if it is something very bad. I think they should be able to do their work without getting distracted by something else. Another thing is if they can’t follow the AUP they shouldn’t work there.

Paidon Meyer pd.3 said...

I talked to my mom who helps people with special needs and elderly who cannot care after themselves. They use their computers to monitor progress, see who has been taken care of, who hasn’t. They have an AUP that they cannot use their email for personal use, or use social networking.
I do think it is necessary to have AUP’s because some people don’t use their common sense very much, and do dumb things. For example, if somebody is in a meeting and there is no rule to say you cannot use your phone and somebody does it anyway. With an AUP, that would probably result in some form of punishment, but without it they could probably get away with saying that it was urgent.
If someone violates the Acceptable Use Policy, I would probably let them off with a one-time warning. The second time it happens they would be sent home for the work day with no pay. The third time would result in them being fired from their position.

Maggie Roe PD3 said...

I talked to my mom. She works at an orthodontic office in Sioux Falls. The conversation was about how things on the computer go at work. She said that she did not sign anything as far as AUP. The only thing she signed was the HIPPA Privacy act.
I think it is a good thing to have an AUP. Some people do things without thinking, that is what gets them in the trouble. But I also think that if we all just knew the things not to do and when not to them it would make life easier.
If I was in charge of people that do things bad on the computer I would have a set punishment. It does not matter what people do they would all get the same punishment. But if it goes too far they would get something even worse. Even no job if it is bad. Of course if it is illegal they lose their job.

Thoms Siemonsma Pd.3 said...

I talked to my mom she works for Midland National. She told me that Facebook, Twitter, and any online chatting thing is not allowed. So basically no personal use on both of her computers. She can use her phone at work except for meetings.
I do think the AUP is necessary at school, work, or any business. Because without it we wouldn’t have a guideline to go along with so that we know what we are doing. Also without the AUP we would not be able to learn how to use a computer in the future.
If someone violated the AUP and I was a principal I would give them a few detentions. Also I would take their computer privileges for a while until the know to follow the Acceptable Use Policy. Lastly I would possibly suspend them from school.

Estel Niyotwizera pd.3 said...

I talked to my mom’s friend who works at my old church school. She told me that they are not allowed to use the internet for personal reasons because they don’t want any viruses or people to hack into their system. They can use their phones for emergencies.
Yes I do think they should have them because some people don’t understand that some things are not appropriate for work. I also think that some people don’t care so it’s a good Idea to learn and fallow the rules.
I would just talk to them and give them a warning. I would not fire them but, if they did it again I would probably suspend them for a couple of weeks or so. If they didn’t listen to me after that then I would fire them.

Alex Wilde Period 3 said...

Alex Wilde
Period 1
My mother currently works at a law firm which the use of computers is very vital. I questioned her about what she can and cannot do when using a computer. What she said was very surprising to me. In her line of work there are restrictions to frivolous games and such, but they are enabled to use Facebook in order to dig up dirt on people.
I think at school you should have to use an AUP for the reason that there are many kids who are still immature and would try to look upon inappropriate things when we should be devoting this time to school. It is nice to have for the office because if someone does something wrong then they is automatically at fault. This is because of the fact that they agreed to not do anything inappropriate. At work I think it might be a little ridiculous because you must turn in your work. If you are wasting your time and not getting work done than your boss will obviously notice it and take action. The thought is pick your own poison. If you are excelling at your job and getting your work done, then why not have a little prep time?
If someone were to violate the AUP it definitely depends on what they had done. If someone were to play games or something very minor, then I think they should have their own internet use restricted for a certain period of time. Each time they do it they will get more and more restricted. If someone were to violate the AUP in a major sense such as send an inappropriate email or something of that sort, then yes I think that they should be punished more heavily. Although, I feel that everyone should get one warning. If they were to do it again, then you could look at a fine or restriction of some sort.

Morgen 2nd Period said...

I talked to my dad about what he can or can not do when he uses his computer at work. He said that he go on the internet but he can’t play games or go on facebook. He can only use his computer to look at the weather. My dad also told me that if he gets caught going on other sites he will get fired from his job.
I think that it is ok having an acceptable use policy. Because people will do whatever they want to do at school. And if one person does that then he/she could ruin it for everyone else. Having one at work would be good cause they need to do their work and not be on the computer doing what they want to do it and when they want to get it done.
If this happened at school it depends on what they did. If it isn’t that bad then a few days sepention. But if it is serious then they need to be expelled from school so that they learn there lesson on what they did. Even when they come back to school they need to be watched when they come back to computer class. Because it you don’t watch them they will do the same thing that they did to get them kicked out of school.

Umaima Koch Pd. 1 said...

Umaima Koch
Period 1
I talked to my dad about the AUP at his workplace. He said that the computers are for work-related use only, and not for personal use.
Even though it sometimes gets annoying, and a lot of people dislike certain parts of it, I think that there should be an AUP at both school and work; even if it is just a small list of things one can or cannot do. With an AUP, people are less likely to get completely distracted from their work; students are kept from doing or viewing inappropriate material, or bringing in foreign discs and such that may very well harm the software at school.
In the chance that someone violates an AUP, it would be fit that they are punished according to their actions. If a student in school was to violate it, and it was a serious problem, suspension (or, quite possibly, expulsion if the situation calls for it) would seem necessary. Otherwise, a simple discussion between student and teacher about a more minor violation (i.e., viewing inappropriate content, being on a blocked website) should be fine.

Logan McDonald pd. 1 said...

I asked my dad what he can and can’t do on the computers at his job. He said that they are not blocked from anything but they aren’t allowed to play games or go onto the internet.
I think a school should have an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) because some people would go to places on the internet that they shouldn’t. I think places of business should have an AUP, depending on what your job is, so then when people are on a break or something else they can’t use the computer for their personal reasons.
If I had a business and I had an Acceptable Use Policy and someone were to violate it, depending on what my business would be, I would probably end up firing that person. I would either fire that person right away or I would give them a warning saying not to do it again. If they were to do it again than I would fire them right away.

Hunter Fredericks said...

Hunter Fredericks
Period 2
I talked to my dad about his acceptable use policy at his job working for citybank. He said that his computer is just for work business and not personal use.
I think it's necessary to have a AUP at work and school. Why I think this is that some people at my work are nosey. If you did also have one you would not get some certain viruses and pop-ups that could break your computer.
If you don't follow the AUP you should be punished. The punishment should depend on what your did to not follow the AUP.